Tire Rotation
While you may not realize each, each wheel on your tire is actually spinning at a slightly different speed. This also means that the tires will wear down in different ways over time. To combat this, we rotate your tires to even out the regular wear and tear, increasing your traction and helping your tires to last longer. Rotating your tires is part of regular maintenance and has many benefits. When we rotate your tires, we are not actually rotating the rubber around your wheel. Instead we place your wheels on different spots around your vehicle. For instance, your front right tire may go to the back right, and vice versa. Our tire rotation services are affordable and efficient. We will get you back on the road in no time, and with better mileage and traction. .
Better Tread = Better Mileage
When you rotate your tires, it results in a more even tire tread among all of your tires. This helps take some of the work off of your vehicle. A more even tread on all of your tires results in better gas mileage and an overall more comfortable ride. It will also help your tires have a longer overall life. Saving money on gas mileage and enjoying yourself during a nice comfortable ride is certainly worth it.

How Often Should You Rotate Your Tires?
We recommend rotating your tires every 5,000-8,000 miles, depending on your drivetrain layout, as well as seasonality and conditions. In the winter when snow and ice can cause and even more uneven wear on front tires traction can be even more unbalanced. If you do a lot of driving in the ice and snow, you may want to have them rotated even more often.
Do I Need to Rotate Tires on My 4WD Vehicle?
Yes, although the wear patterns are different on a four wheel drive vehicle, you should still rotate your tires. In this case it is generally recommended to use the rearward cross method. This means that back tires are moved straight up to the front on the same side, while the front tires are sent to the back, but are flipped along the way, creating a diagonal pattern.

For more information about German AutoSport and tire rotations please feel free to give us a call at (978) 388-1288.Tire rotation results in a more even tire tread between all tires. A more even tread for all tires results in better tire millage and a overall more comfortable ride. Saving money on gas millage and enjoying yourself during a nice comfortable ride is certainly worth it. For more information about German AutoSport and tire rotations please feel free to give us a call at (978) 388-1288.